Carry bags
Waterproof WILD MAN pouch (XL)
Waterproof WILD MAN pouch
Waterproof universal 5L pouch (black)
Wateproof ENORMOUS 8L bag for electric scooters
In this category of our store you will find unique accessories, which are scooter bags. Thanks to them, transporting your accessories and the vehicle itself will be much easier and more pleasant.
Scooter bag
In our offer there are two basic types of this type of useful accessories. One of them is the scooter transport bag. This is a product designed to safely transport the scooter in places where we can't use it or keep it outside. Although it is advertised to carry electric scooters in it, but any classic unpowered scooter should fit into it, and the bag will function exactly the same. Why should you equip yourself with it? Contrary to appearances, this is a frequently used accessory - thanks to it we can easily transfer the scooter, for example, between the office and the car, transport it on the train as luggage or bring it home when the battery runs out of power somewhere along the way. In addition, the bag for the scooter is waterproof, so we will not have to worry about the possible impact of adverse weather conditions on our vehicle.
The second type of bags, which is available in our store, are waterproof bags clipped to the scooter, acting as a storage compartment. One of the problems faced by users of electric unicycles is the lack of any storage compartments or places where you can put, for example, your phone, wallet or house keys or repair kit. For some, the issue is solved by carrying a backpack, but many people do not prefer this solution. A scooter pannier is definitely more convenient for them, and it's hardly surprising. It's waterproof, easy to access and we keep an eye on it all the time. Such bags are available in different sizes and, consequently, capacities. Thus, everyone will be able to choose the right product for themselves.
Bet on a store run by professionals
Why should you choose our store? Because we are specialists in the electric scooter industry. We have extensive experience related to these unique vehicles, as well as parts and accessories for them. With us you will acquire all the necessary components to repair, modify or improve your scooter at a very attractive price.
The reviews of our previous customers clearly indicate that we are trustworthy, we deliver orders quickly, and our service is fully professional. We cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with our wide range of products.